Biophysics meetings

This is an aggregated list of all the upcoming Biophysics Meetings we are aware of. Please get in touch if you would like to add your meeting.

Faraday Discussions: Structural and Finctional Asymmetry of Plasma Membranes, RSC, Burlington House, London, 23-25 April 2025

The Faraday Discussions are unique international discussion meetings that address current and emerging topics at the forefront of the physical sciences.This meeting will focus on recent developments in experimental and computational chemistry, physics and life sciences that have enabled a greater quantitative understanding of lipid asymmetry and its coupling to protein function. This Discussion will explore the various facets of membrane asymmetry, bringing together experts in membrane physical chemistry, membrane biophysics, and membrane physiology.

2024 BBS Biennial Meeting

The British Biophysical Society Biennial Meeting 2024 will be held at the Bay Campus of University of Swansea on 11-13 September, 2024.

More details of speakers, programme and abstract submission can be found here.

In 2022 the Biennial Meeting was held for the first time in Ireland and this year the meeting will be held (for the first time, certainly in recent history) In Wales. So, dewch i Gymru (come to Wales!)

IUPAB/BSC The biophysics of ligand-gated ion channels: from structures to drug discovery, Ottawa, 23-25 May 2022

This Focused Meeting will run from May 23 to 25, 2022 and will overlap with the 7th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Canada from May 25 to 27, 2022. Both meetings have an outstanding list of invited speakers, including keynote lectures by Eric Gouaux and Henry Lester. For more information on the meeting, including a list of invited speakers, please visit the joint BSC-IUPAB website.
Physics of Life 2023, Harrogate UK

Physics of Life 2023, Harrogate UK

We are planning a new large-scale conference Physics of Life 2023 representing the wide diversity of the UK biological physics community. Organised jointly by the Physics of Life Network (PoLNET3), IoP Biological Physics, the BBS, Physics of Living Matter and Physics meets Biology, this in-person meeting will project the excitement of science at the interface between physics and biology. In addition to keynote lectures, the conference will feature parallel sessions on a full breadth of topics, with many contributed talks, thereby ensuring a wide focus and inclusion of the most exciting science.
BBS Biennial Meeting 2022: from Molecular Machines to Materials

BBS Biennial Meeting 2022: from Molecular Machines to Materials

BBS Biennial Meeting: from Molecular Machines to Materials, 29 June - 01 July 2022 This year, the BBS biennial meeting will be held in Ireland for the first time. Peter Crowley is organizing the meeting at NUI Galway. The main focus will be on proteins as machines, providing a basis for functional materials. One of the goals of this meeting is to increase the participation of Ireland-based researchers in the Biophysics domain, as well as to enhance international collaboration.
Peptide-membrane interactions Faraday Discussion, September 7 – 9 2020

Peptide-membrane interactions Faraday Discussion, September 7 – 9 2020

The meeting will cover all aspects of how peptides as macromolecules interact with membranes; from basic theoretical considerations embodied in computational models, wet experimental studies of model systems through to living membranes and synthetic biology applications.

Live Cell Single Molecule Tracking, Ulm, 8-9 Nov 2019

Live Cell Single Molecule Tracking Symposium taking place at Ulm University on November 8-9, 2019. The meeting will focus on single molecule tracking in living systems. Topics are open to include developments in instrumentation and fluorophores, analysis and modeling approaches and applications to physical, biological or medical questions.
S4SAS 2019, Diamond Light Source, June 6 – June 7 2019

S4SAS 2019, Diamond Light Source, June 6 – June 7 2019

This is the annual Diamond conference for all Small Angle Scatterers (SAS). It aims to reach out to all users of the technique providing a forum for technological advancement, as well as showcasing the current state-of-the-art in experimentation and data analysis for SAS users. By highlighting leading scientific research in the field alongside technological advancements, both at synchrotron and laboratory sources, this conference aims to provide a forum for discussion all users of Small Angle Scattering (SAS).
2019 Biophysics Week

2019 Biophysics Week

Biophysics Week is an annual event started in 2016 by the Biophysical Society to celebrate and raise awareness of the field. A series of events are planned across the UK.
EBSA/IUPAB Biophysics Congress, Madrid, 20-24 July 2019

EBSA/IUPAB Biophysics Congress, Madrid, 20-24 July 2019

The joint 12th EBSA and 10th ICBP-IUPAP Biophysics Congress will take place 20-24th July 2019 in Madrid.
Symposium on Current Trends in Soluble and Membrane Protein Biophysics

Symposium on Current Trends in Soluble and Membrane Protein Biophysics

The British Biophysical Society and the Belgian Biophysical Society are organising a joint two-day Meeting at the Palais des Académies, Brussels. Thursday 22nd – Friday 23rd February 2018.

Physics of Life Town meeting, Royal Society, London, 2 October 2017

The first Physics of Life Town meeting, which will be held at the Royal Society in London. This interdisciplinary meeting will showcase the second phase of the Physics of Life network (2017-2020). The event will highlight the opportunities available when working across Biology and Physics as experienced by researchers, funders and industrial partners. There will be plenty of information available on future PoLnet2 plans, how best to engage with the network’s funding and events planned over the next 3 years.

Teaching maths to biologists using non-digital games

University of Sheffield, Friday 30th June 2017 This free hands-on workshop facilitated by Andrew Walsh ( will examine how games and play can help us teach the more numerical parts of the bioscience curriculum. This day is aimed at everyone involved in teaching these subjects in Higher Education settings; post-docs and PhD students with an interest in teaching are also very welcome. Participants will reflect on elements of game design and on how non-digital games could be integrated into their own practice, before having the chance to prototype an educational game of their own.

PoLNet2 announces objectives.

PoLNet2, the second phase of an EPSRC (and now BBSRC) Grand Challenge research theme on the Physics of Life (PoL), commenced in 2017.  Its aims are to shape research programmes, new topics, and continue to grow interdisciplinary connections at the Biology-Physics interface in a sustainable way. There are 6 PoLNet2 objectives and associated activities: Develop research questions from PoLNet1 into active research programmes. Continue to create a pipeline of new PoL research challenges.
Wellcome Trust/BBS/MGMS bursaries for BBS Members only (join now).

Wellcome Trust/BBS/MGMS bursaries for BBS Members only (join now).

To apply for a bursary to attend the IUPAB/EBSA/BBS/IoP Congress in EDINBURGH 2017, (, please send to our meeting secretary (, your cv, supervisor details (name, email and web page), estimate of costs (include registration fee which will form part of the bursary award) and your abstract for the congress. Deadline for applications 24 March 2017. To join the BBS to be eligible for a bursary and get reduced registration fee, please see here (http://www.
2017 Joint IUPAB & EBSA Meeting

2017 Joint IUPAB & EBSA Meeting

The 19th IUPAB congress and 11th EBSA congress is open for registration. Edinburgh, 16–20 July “ On behalf of the biophysics community in the UK, we would like to invite you to participate in the joint 19th International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB) congress and 11th European Biophysical Societies’ Association (EBSA) congress in Edinburgh, Scotland in July 2017. The British Biophysical Society (BBS), together with the Biological Physics Group of the Institute of Physics (IOP), will be the local hosts and are taking on the task of assembling an outstanding scientific programme for this major international biophysics event.

EPS Workshop. Biology for Physics Conference: is there new physics in living matter

Barcelona, 15-18 January 2017. The contents of the workshop are organized under the umbrella of a few selected themes which all share the underlying playground of nonequilibrium physics which is at the core of living matter. Topics will include Physical principles of mechanochemical networks: new challenges for soft matter physics Systems biology and self-organization: from active matter to cells and tissues Stochastic thermodynamics: from single molecules to complex machinery Physics of biological evolution: from the second law to the selection of structures

Self-assembled peptides: from nanostructure to bioactivity

Kavli Royal Society Centre, Chicheley Hall, UK The meeting, organised by Professor Ian Hamley, Professor Dek Woolfson, Professor Louise Serpell, Dr Alberto Saiani and Professor Raffaele Mezzenga, takes place on 24 – 25 October 2016 will discuss exciting emerging themes enhancing our understanding of self-assembly of peptides. Recent research into the control of peptides has allowed the creation of unique structures that have enhanced or targeted bioactivity. By controlling their self-assembly, their usage can be expanded into fields such as drug development, tissue engineering and combating antimicrobial resistance, and more can be learnt about their role in diseases such as Alzheimers and Diabetes, with potential therapeutic gains.

Membrane pores: from structure and assembly, to medicine and technology

A Royal Society Discussion Meeting is taking place in London 27 and 28 June 2016, organised by Robert Gilbert, Hagan Bayley and Gregor Anderluh. Registration is free and now open and poster abstract submissions are welcome. We have a fantastic line-up of speakers: Helen Saibil, Rudolf Glockshuber, Dek Woolfson, Bill DeGrado, Jose Caaveiro, Ana-Jesus Garcia-Saez, Ruth Kluck, Themis Lazaridis, Doryen Bubeck, Michelle Dunstone, John Brumell, Gabriel Waksman, Susan Buchanan, Hendrik Dietz, Alex Noy, Mark Wallace, and Carol Robinson.

Biophysics Week, March 7-11 2016

March 7-11 is the Biophysical Society's ' Biophysics Week. The BBS has organised a range of events across the UK to support this initiative and help raise awareness of our discipline. Biochemistry Department Lecture with speaker Achillefs Kapanidis, University of Oxford, UK. Hosted by the Graduate Student Society (Oxford University Biochemical Society) and supported and sponsored by the British Biophysical Society. When: March 7, 13:00-14:00 Where: Biochemistry Building, Main Seminar Room, off South Parks Road OX1 3QU http://www.

21st International Picoquant Workshop

written by Anne Plochowietz Many thanks to the British Biophysical Society for awarding me with a travel grant to present my research at 21st International Workshop on “Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Super-resolution Microscopy in the Life Sciences” at the beginning of September in Berlin. I am in my final year of DPhil studies in Biophysics in Achillefs Kapanidis group (University of Oxford) and I was presenting my work on the “mobility and spatial distribution of tRNA in live bacteria using single-molecule tracking”.

Pattern Formation and Morphogenesis

September 10-11, 2015. This meeting is the sixth of a series of focussed workshops in the EPSRC NetworkPlus ‘Understanding the Physics of Life’. Sheffield, UK.

Advanced School in Soft Condensed Matter "Solutions in the Spring"

13-16 April 2015. IOP Liquids and Complex Fluids Group.
Teaching physical aspects of the molecular biosciences

Teaching physical aspects of the molecular biosciences

The aim of this free highly interactive workshop will be to share ideas and practice in teaching concepts that lie right towards the physics end of the molecular biosciences curriculum. By “molecular biosciences” we mean courses with a strong focus on biochemistry and broader molecular cell biology: courses where Stryer, Voet and Voet, or Alberts would often be core textbooks. By “physical aspects” we mean things like kinetics, binding, thermodynamics, interaction forces, structural biology, physical methods, and aspects of computing and modelling.

Novel tools and Technologies for Studying Cells and Tissues

Friday 3rd of July 2015. British Academy, London.

Edinburgh Biodynamics workshop

15-17 April 2015. <a href=​"">​ BioDynamics Workshop ​​

High Throughput Protein Expression Screening

11-15 May 2015. Research Complex at Harwell

American Biophysical Society’s 60th Annual Meeting

February 27 - March 2 2016. American Biophysical Society’s 60th Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, California.

Biophysics of Proteins at Surfaces: Assembly, Activation, Signaling

October 13-15, 2015. Biophysical Society Thematic Meeting “Biophysics of Proteins at Surfaces: Assembly, Activation, Signaling”. Madrid, Spain.
55 Years of British Biophysics

55 Years of British Biophysics

20th May 2015. Weston Library, Oxford University. The British Biophysical Socety was founded in 1960 to promote interdisciplinary research accross the sciences. Nobel laureate John Kendrew helped found the BBS and this one day meeting will mark the archiving of the minutes of the society into the Kendrew archive by the Bodleian Library. This meeting will reflect on the early days of the society and make a link with cutting edge British Biophysics.

Minischool on Biophysics of Protein Interactions

9-13 March 2015. UNESP São Paulo, Brazil.

Protein-protein interactions, self-assembly and aggregation

15th December 2016. After the successful 2014 event on "Complementary Non-diffraction Techniques in Structural Biology", the BBS has planned another one-day symposium on "Protein-protein interactions, self-assembly and aggregation" -The event will take place at the Wellcome Collection, 183 Euston Rd, London NW1 2BE. Click here for more info.