Symposium on Current Trends in Soluble and Membrane Protein Biophysics

The British Biophysical Society and the Belgian Biophysical Society are organising a joint two-day Meeting at the Palais des Académies, Brussels. Thursday 22nd – Friday 23rd February 2018.

There is an exciting list of Invited Speakers (see Programme), and there will be the opportunity for Student and Early Career Talks and Posters.

The main Themes of the Meeting are:

  1. Folding, Misfolding, Assembly and Design;
  2. Proteins and Membranes;
  3. Imaging. Further details are available at: from which the Programme can be downloaded. Registration can be paid either in Euros by bank transfer or in Sterling by Paypal (see Meeting website for details).

John Seddon (London), André Matagne (Liège) and Filip Meersman (Antwerp).