2017 Joint IUPAB & EBSA Meeting
The 19th IUPAB congress and 11th EBSA congress is open for registration. Edinburgh, 16–20 July “
On behalf of the biophysics community in the UK, we would like to invite you to participate in the joint 19th International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB) congress and 11th European Biophysical Societies’ Association (EBSA) congress in Edinburgh, Scotland in July 2017.
The British Biophysical Society (BBS), together with the Biological Physics Group of the Institute of Physics (IOP), will be the local hosts and are taking on the task of assembling an outstanding scientific programme for this major international biophysics event. All areas of contemporary biophysics will be included in a varied programme, from single-molecule studies to complex systems, new methodologies and theory, applied across all biological systems. Plenary lectures, invited talks and selected oral presentations from younger scientists in more than 300 sessions will form the programme, which aims to attract truly international participation. We anticipate there will be around 1500–2000 attendees.
The venue is in the centre of Edinburgh, overlooked by the famous castle, and is one of the UK’s premier conference sites and facilities. Edinburgh is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world and has much to offer, especially in the summer with the Edinburgh Festival that follows this congress; it is also a hub and gateway to the Highlands and Islands. The newly installed tram system provides fast and affordable transport from Edinburgh airport which, together with nearby Glasgow, links Scotland directly to almost 30 European cities, as well as providing direct flights to North America and the Middle East as a stop-over to the East and Africa.
We look forward to welcoming you to Scotland for the 2017 IUPAB/EBSA/BBS/IOP Congress – we will ensure that your attendance is both rewarding scientifically as well as warm socially.
Anthony Watts (BBS) and Andrew Turberfield (IOP), Oxford