Membrane pores: from structure and assembly, to medicine and technology

A Royal Society Discussion Meeting is taking place in London 27 and 28 June 2016, organised by Robert Gilbert, Hagan Bayley and Gregor Anderluh.

Registration is free and now open and poster abstract submissions are welcome.

We have a fantastic line-up of speakers: Helen Saibil, Rudolf Glockshuber, Dek Woolfson, Bill DeGrado, Jose Caaveiro, Ana-Jesus Garcia-Saez, Ruth Kluck, Themis Lazaridis, Doryen Bubeck, Michelle Dunstone, John Brumell, Gabriel Waksman, Susan Buchanan, Hendrik Dietz, Alex Noy, Mark Wallace, and Carol Robinson.

You and your colleagues are encouraged to consider coming to join the discussion (15 minutes after each 30 minute talk) or present a poster!

For the full programme and to register, see: