Biophysics Week, March 7-11 2016
March 7-11 is the Biophysical Society's ' Biophysics Week. The BBS has organised a range of events across the UK to support this initiative and help raise awareness of our discipline.
Biochemistry Department Lecture with speaker Achillefs Kapanidis, University of Oxford, UK.
Hosted by the Graduate Student Society (Oxford University Biochemical Society) and supported and sponsored by the British Biophysical Society. When: March 7, 13:00-14:00 Where: Biochemistry Building, Main Seminar Room, off South Parks Road OX1 3QU
Special edition seminar for the "Molecular Microbiology" seminar series.
When: March 7, 13:00 Where: University of East Anglia, UK: Prof Steve Meech, School of Chemistry, UAE, will give a lecture entitled: "Mechanism of Operation of Blue Light Sensing Flavoproteins – From 100 Femtoseconds to 10 microseconds
Oxford Chemical Biology Meeting on and for “Biophysics Week”
Sergi Garcia-Manyes (King's College, Physics, London) with a talk entitled: "Linking mechanochemistry to protein folding at the single bond level" and Ramin Golestanian (Oxford Physics) with a talk entitled: "Self-organization due to catalytic activity” hosted by Hagen Bayley. Where: University of Oxford, Chemistry Department When: Monday 7th, 18:00 - 19:00
Department of Chemistry, Cambridge University
Dr David Klenerman, FRS, will give a lecture on "New insights into neurodegenerative disease from single molecule studies of protein aggregates". Hosts: Alan Fersht, FRS & Richard Henderson, FRS. When: Tuesday 8th March 16:15 Where: Max Perutz Lecture Theatre, Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics, Cambridge.
University of York: The Biological Physical Sciences Institute (BPSI)
will host a talk entitled: "Discrimination of human mesenchymal stromal cell lines using Raman spectroscopy” by: Raquel De Almeida Rocha Ponzoni, Dept of Physics University of York and Physics Lecturer and Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Campus Dois Vizinhos - Brazil, When: March 9, 16:00 Where: Wentworth College
Research Complex, Harwell: A mini-symposium to celebrate “Biophysics Week”, will be held at RC@H
Details and registration at: